Thursday 13 September 2012

2012, what a year

This year really has seen a lot of change... and we've not even got the baubles and fairy lights out of the loft yet. This blog should really be written whilst holding a large glass of vino and preparing to sing Auld Lang Syne (or that classic, We Found Love, if you're a group of 20/ 21 year olds on NYE 2011 dancing in the street not having a clue what the words to Auld Lang Syne are... yes that was my friends and I).

In January, I  was still a student. Living in a 4 bedroom flat in Heaton, where every other house is inhabited by Northumbria students. I worked part time at Next kids and was in my third year studying Media and Journalism.
Since then, I've written a dissertation and I've handed a stack of paper into an office, in which they would determine my life with, I've got a 2:1 degree and I've done the whole ceremony with the silly little hat and gown to prove it (and may I add, DIDN'T fall over on stage AND I was wearing heels... trust me, it's something to be proud of).

I lived with my three best friends, then had to move home when we closed the pages of that three year chapter in our lives. I stood on the driveway and cried more than I've ever cried before in my life, while my dad loaded my entire room into a van the size of a double decker. The size was unnecessary, as was the fact that I brought home half a packet of Crunchy Nut that are still in the kitchen cupboard untouched. I think I might go throw them away actually...

I've been to Amsterdam, I've been to Kavos and I've been to Zante and didnt even need to rob a bank. I am paying for it now however with 17p in the account.

But despite Northumbria's reputation of being a party university (I can confirm, it is), and despite turning up hungover on average 3 times a week (some where the sort of hangovers where you can't even lift your head), I am officially a graduate! A graduate with a maxed out overdraft, no car, a massive student loan to pay off, living back with my parents and missing £2 trebles!

And for a while, a happy graduate I have NOT been. The job search has been long and painful. I've been rejected from jobs in which the applications form took three days to fill out. Walking into a JobCentre is soul destroying, but you really do have to perservere and try anything.

I had a few interviews and you start to expect the questions they ask. When they ask you what your biggest flaw is, don't say you'd be late for your own funeral, go with "Yeah, I have this uncontrollable need to finish every task I do, I get shaky if I leave something not done to the best of my ability"= KACHINGGG, you've got the job!

I got offered a job in a 'marketing' firm, which entailed me knocking on peoples doors until 10pm every night. No thanks. Then I worked in a call centre, selling broadband packages, and lasted a grand total of nine days before quitting when I finally got my break.
On Monday, I start a new job as clubbing listings producer. Finally, my media and journalism degree is coming in handy!

2012 was supposed to be the year the world ended (...there's still time). But after 1 graduation, 3 holidays, 2 quit jobs and a new career on the horizon, I can safely say 2012 was the best year of my life! Being a graduate is hard in this economic climate, but more than 300,000 people graduate every year and I've not heard of any of them sleeping in a cardboard box under the Humber Bridge as of yet. We've just finished the best three years of our lives, the hours and hours spent in the library have become a distant memory and we've come away with skills like 'How to boil an egg' and 'How long a cup of tea can last in my bedroom before it starts creating a new life form'. But above all, we have the best memories anyone can ever imagine!

Time to grow up and finally become an adult!

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